Monday, December 31, 2007

How about a little Anarchy in the new year?

I had a brief but thought-provoking conversation with a dear friend the other night. He mused about what would happen if the Bush administration and their ilk were to stay in office and NOT be impeached or left to crawl off in disgrace after the next elections like so many of us hope. Instead, what would happen if the criminals were allowed to stay a little longer and grow more superficially powerful, what if the corruption were allowed to spread, if it would bring about the collapse necessary for revolution? It is important to ponder whether it would be worth the chaos, the human rights violations and the war crimes sure to ensure, if it were to foment an environment that would ultimately lead to the fracturing and downfall of the system we find so economically oppressive and inherently evil. Does allowing the pigs to wallow in the glory of their own filth a little longer become absolved by the downfall of the greater evil of American Democracy?

From a utilitarian perspective, I would say, damn straight it's worth it. Let them bring their own destruction then the cessation movements and revolutionaries may rise in the wake of empires falling. Yet, there is the persistent deontological voice that says the revolution must be swift and nonviolent and that no end can justify the means of allowing it to continue for one more day without a fight. It is a conundrum that has split the camps of revolutionaries for ages. Can the revolution be achieved merely with the use of nonviolent subversive tactics, or must we speak in the language of the oppressors-that of violence? I call loudly for revolution by any means necessary, but I am not convinced that violence is indeed necessary, especially with the ubiquity of the internet and its ability to transcend borders and economic barriers. We are equal here and therefore, equally able to be heard. Speak loudly and often and perhaps the revolution can come without bloodshed, but in a fury of internet conspirators. It is important for us to realize, fellow bloggers, that this is not just a toy, but can be a tool. Use it accordingly.

On a lighter note, every revolution seems to come with a fashion. My vote for the armory of the revolution is (the clothing/accessory directory is on the right). Sexy as hell, soft and utilitarian. My fellow cyberpunks swear by the stuff. Let's look good while subverting the system and doing a little good for our karma by supporting non-mainstream outfitters, shall we?

Also, all this talk of revolution makes me giggle, so here is my meme of the day.

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