designed by a good friend of mine and sent to me after we discussed our shared love of beets. I was so amused I thought to immortalize it in domain name infamy. Beat[beet]nik snaps for my friend who is one of those incredibly intelligent techno fiddlers referred to in my last post. Hail!
It is Friday, therefore I give you my one line responses to this week's big headlines:
-Prime Minister Bhutto of Pakistan Assassinated: This heartbreaking tragedy numbs the mind and causes one to wonder if peace is truly attainable in a world where years of painstaking diplomacy can be undone in a moment.
-Poorly Designed Tiger Cage at SF Zoo Leaves 1 Tiger, 1 Human Dead: There are 7 billion-ish people in the world, only 600-ish tigers, and now there is one fewer of each, because those people who took it upon themselves to provide for these endangered creatures failed to build the enclosure to code. This isn't just asinine; it should equate to manslaughter, reckless endangerment, and animal cruelty. Also, WTF, live ammunition?! Tranquilizers....tranquilizers...
-Science Shows Gen-Xers Dull in Bed: To my Gen X friends, you're educated and gorgeous; make a New Year's resolution to have better sex in the upcoming year, because it's good for you, body and soul.
Well kids, that's just depressing all around. Aside from those glorious little gems, war and insurgency don't take a break just because it's the holidays in America, even though the coddled American public is too outraged about Britney Spears' Nickelodeon star sister's pregnancy scandal to really care about the death count or the corruption anymore. Can't we just stop up our ears and ignore it all until we get a new administration? Some days the choice of the ostrich-head-in-sand technique truly sounds appealing.
Must. Resist. Perez. Hilton.
I promise that higher quality posts are on the horizon as my brain is, at the moment, a consistency somewhere between cottage cheese and oatmeal from writing cover letters in my quest for post-graduation employment. Anyone else agree that cover letters should be optional? Whats the problem with a resume and an interview? grrrrrrr..... My aforementioned friend believes that the entire "selling yourself" process is personally degrading to all parties involved. I tend to agree.
1 comment:
Whether or not your head is above or under the the ground, it's still going to get filled with dirt. I think I'll take my chances atop the soil. I couldn't bare an accidental encounter with a star-nosed mole and their icky fingery noses.
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