So let's just pretend the last month didn't happen, shall we? Yes. Looking ahead with slightly more optimism, we can convince ourselves that an arbitrary change from 8 to 9 does actually reset the clock to a brighter tomorrow. If nothing else, it's one number closer 2012, to which I say, "Bring it on."
Now, I normally boycott New Year's resolutions on account of my irritation with putting any special significance for life changing decisions on any particular, arbitrary day. However, this year I have decided to partake in this cultural phenomenon. I resolve to seriously reduce my environmental impact, questioning every decision in terms of what's best for the environment. I've always been militant about recycling and only eating organic/free range (my mom totally did it before it was cool), but there are so many more ways I can do better. This line of thinking was sparked by my future mom-in-law giving me one of those super hip metal water bottles, easily my favorite present this year. I was so excited, because oh my god, I have an easy alternative to plastic water bottles now, yay! Even though I always recycle them, this is even better! Now, what else can I do? Well here's a list of things I vow to attempt:
- Completely turn off and unplug everything in my apartment for at least 2 hours every day
- Insulate my windows to cut down on heating use (and cost, double win!)
- Get off my ass and go to the farmer's market every Saturday for local produce
- Invest in a Diva Cup to minimize my monthly gift's impact
- Utilize candle light
- Watch less TV
- Turn off my computer at night
- Patronize enivronmentally conscious stores
- Sacrifice my individually wrapped string cheese sticks
- Cut down, if not completely eliminate, my sushi consumption
- And finally, the hardest one of all, ween myself off smooth, hairless gams

Good riddance 2008, you lousy bastard. 2009, I welcome you with green, open arms!
Well its not a traditional reason, but I suppose you arent the first to convert to Judaism for monetary reasons
Yay! Excellent things we can all do to lower our environmental impact.
I'm totally ordering a Diva Cup. I'm not looking forward to my period coming back, but when it does, maybe I can say "Adios, Tampax" forever! Cheaper in the long run, too. Woo!
Yeah, the whole Diva Cup kit with light flow, heavy flow, and soap is about $75, but that'll pay for itself after 3-4 months. Totally worth it! Same thing with all of the energy/plastic saving things, more expensive on the onset, cheaper in long run and better for everyone!
Do you ever feel really dense? I just did when Chess informed me that you enjoy eating Beets and this might have something to do with the name of your blog.
Happy New Year!
My resolution is to stop looking at Google Reader at work. T'will make me a much more Glorious Working Comrade.
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