Saturday, January 26, 2008

There's Nothing Like the Stomach Flu... remind you of how awesome it is not to have the stomach flu. I've been unbelievably sick for the majority of the week, but I think I might be coming out of it now. All I know is I'm fucking starving; even Mandy Morbid's latest (REALLY NSFW) foray with food is appealing, and I usually can't stand food play. Still does NOT turn me on, but I really want chocolate pudding now. The Jell-O Company should hire her as a spokesperson, their new campaign: "If we're good enough for Mandy's tits, we're good enough for your kids' packed lunches." (Or, alternately, "if we're good enough for Mandy's box, we're good enough for a lunch box." So many possibilities with this one.)

I tell you what though, one thing I always appreciate with Mandy is that it's always obvious she is having a great time. She's a gorgeous gal who enjoys herself and is kind enough to share that joy with the world. God bless Mandy.

On kind of a sad note, the creators of lolsecretz have announced the end of their meme. To the creators, thanks for bringing that special, sardonic bit of joy into the world for the short time you did. It was awesome while it lasted. Or in lolspeak: fangs for teh laffs, lolsecretz. i misses yuo aweddy.

1 comment:

Bats for Blogs said...

Aww... that's too bad. Lolsecret was my favorite permutation of the lolcat meme.
:'( I cry.
Sorry to hear about the stomach flu. I hopes it is bwetters soon.