Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
There's Nothing Like the Stomach Flu...
...to remind you of how awesome it is not to have the stomach flu. I've been unbelievably sick for the majority of the week, but I think I might be coming out of it now. All I know is I'm fucking starving; even Mandy Morbid's latest (REALLY NSFW) foray with food is appealing, and I usually can't stand food play. Still does NOT turn me on, but I really want chocolate pudding now. The Jell-O Company should hire her as a spokesperson, their new campaign: "If we're good enough for Mandy's tits, we're good enough for your kids' packed lunches." (Or, alternately, "if we're good enough for Mandy's box, we're good enough for a lunch box." So many possibilities with this one.)
I tell you what though, one thing I always appreciate with Mandy is that it's always obvious she is having a great time. She's a gorgeous gal who enjoys herself and is kind enough to share that joy with the world. God bless Mandy.
On kind of a sad note, the creators of lolsecretz have announced the end of their meme. To the creators, thanks for bringing that special, sardonic bit of joy into the world for the short time you did. It was awesome while it lasted. Or in lolspeak: fangs for teh laffs, lolsecretz. i misses yuo aweddy.
I tell you what though, one thing I always appreciate with Mandy is that it's always obvious she is having a great time. She's a gorgeous gal who enjoys herself and is kind enough to share that joy with the world. God bless Mandy.
On kind of a sad note, the creators of lolsecretz have announced the end of their meme. To the creators, thanks for bringing that special, sardonic bit of joy into the world for the short time you did. It was awesome while it lasted. Or in lolspeak: fangs for teh laffs, lolsecretz. i misses yuo aweddy.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Yes I prefer apartments, but damn...
I have three questions for my upstairs neighbors. wait, make it four.
1. why don't you ever sleep?
2. how can two, 120 lb chicks sound like tap dancing cave trolls wearing squeegee boots whenever you traverse your carpeted living room?
3. why do you play techno at deafeningly high volumes starting precisely at 9:12 a.m. every fucking morning?
4. why does my bathroom smell like bacon every time you shower?
The mind boggles, really.
1. why don't you ever sleep?
2. how can two, 120 lb chicks sound like tap dancing cave trolls wearing squeegee boots whenever you traverse your carpeted living room?
3. why do you play techno at deafeningly high volumes starting precisely at 9:12 a.m. every fucking morning?
4. why does my bathroom smell like bacon every time you shower?
The mind boggles, really.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happy Blue Monday?
Supposedly, today is the most depressing day of the year and California's weather certainly got the memo; it snapped from a week and a half of gorgeous sunniness to 48 degrees, windy and rainy over night. Boo. DO NOT WANT
I am coping by spending the vast majority of my day in my pj's watching "Dexter" and wrapped in an electric blanket. The news today, however, is no more depressing than usual, that is to say, how could the world possibly get worse barring nuclear holocaust or pandemic flu? Somewhat comforting, no? But that's another post entirely, I'm sure.
The real point of today's brief post is Martin Luther King Jr. We are all well aware that he was an amazing advocate for peace and unity in America (and probable philanderer, but, you know, every Superman has a kryptonite). What you don't hear about is what he vocalized in the last years of his life. While he had won victory after political victory for racial equality in America, he still had a dream of economic equality, a classless society, where the poor could have equal opportunities. For, what good could political desegregation measures do if the children of the poor (and most often black) did not have the money or access to enjoy their newly won rights? It's as if those rights would not exist at all. MLKJ became an increasingly outspoken advocate of socialism and the rise of the working man. Very dangerous stuff in Vietnam-era America, apparently, as these later speeches and sermons were denounced by the government and the media, his reputation shat upon by those who once supported him, and the transcripts spirited away from the history books. We, America, must rectify this injustice by continuing part two of his dream. We must continue to fight for a socialized society, one that offers true equality to the poor of all colors an creeds. The realization of this dream is not a terrible stretch. We have all the tools to accomplish it (money, numbers, ideological solidarity), we must merely believe in the dream and be willing to die for it. For to neglect his dream while raising him up as a saint makes us as guilty as his assassins.
As I generally like to end on a slightly up note, this is the funniest picture I've seen in ages:

I am coping by spending the vast majority of my day in my pj's watching "Dexter" and wrapped in an electric blanket. The news today, however, is no more depressing than usual, that is to say, how could the world possibly get worse barring nuclear holocaust or pandemic flu? Somewhat comforting, no? But that's another post entirely, I'm sure.
The real point of today's brief post is Martin Luther King Jr. We are all well aware that he was an amazing advocate for peace and unity in America (and probable philanderer, but, you know, every Superman has a kryptonite). What you don't hear about is what he vocalized in the last years of his life. While he had won victory after political victory for racial equality in America, he still had a dream of economic equality, a classless society, where the poor could have equal opportunities. For, what good could political desegregation measures do if the children of the poor (and most often black) did not have the money or access to enjoy their newly won rights? It's as if those rights would not exist at all. MLKJ became an increasingly outspoken advocate of socialism and the rise of the working man. Very dangerous stuff in Vietnam-era America, apparently, as these later speeches and sermons were denounced by the government and the media, his reputation shat upon by those who once supported him, and the transcripts spirited away from the history books. We, America, must rectify this injustice by continuing part two of his dream. We must continue to fight for a socialized society, one that offers true equality to the poor of all colors an creeds. The realization of this dream is not a terrible stretch. We have all the tools to accomplish it (money, numbers, ideological solidarity), we must merely believe in the dream and be willing to die for it. For to neglect his dream while raising him up as a saint makes us as guilty as his assassins.
As I generally like to end on a slightly up note, this is the funniest picture I've seen in ages:

That guy in the power tie, if you can't tell, is President Bush, and that little girl's face is priceless. Also, LolSecretz is back up and running after a two-week glitch. I am embarrassingly ecstatic about this state of affairs.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Where DID the last week go?
Well, it's lost somewhere in between job hunting in Berkeley and fuck-all, I have no idea. Since I've been back, I've fallen into this weird crack in the time space continuum. I need a job for no other reason than to know what day it is. And to break the monotony of catching up on episodes of Dexter in between sending pleading cover letters and pseudo-desperate applications to potential employers while my roommates are at work and school. On the plus side, while most of the help-wanted ads kind of make me want to wander onto oncoming 880 traffic, there is some funny shit on there, like ads for fluffers (if you don't know, I'm not gonna tell you), editorial internships that require a minimum PhD, and this guy. I was definitely laughing hysterically by the end of today's search.
Also, since I just got back into town, may I politely suggest that someone get me this as a welcome home gift. Seriously I love it.
Also, since I just got back into town, may I politely suggest that someone get me this as a welcome home gift. Seriously I love it.
It's a Vajayjay couch!!
It was posted on Craigslist but has now been curiously flagged for removal. Who is the fucking killjoy?! Are fluffy pussies too risk-AY for Craig? Grrrrr.... I left the Midwest specifically to get away from this sort of closed-minded cock-blocking.
Came across this chick today. She does some really neat things with her camera, narcissism (in the most delicious way possible) and something resembling photoshop. Also, her blog is really sexy. Check her out.
It was posted on Craigslist but has now been curiously flagged for removal. Who is the fucking killjoy?! Are fluffy pussies too risk-AY for Craig? Grrrrr.... I left the Midwest specifically to get away from this sort of closed-minded cock-blocking.
Came across this chick today. She does some really neat things with her camera, narcissism (in the most delicious way possible) and something resembling photoshop. Also, her blog is really sexy. Check her out.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A Reason to Vote....
I know there is a fair amount of contention within the anarchist community on whether voting while living in a democratic system is a tool to monkeywrench from the inside or an abominable act of compliance. Can a moral act within a corrupt system still be considered moral or is its essential nature fundamentally immoral due its existence within an oppressive system? As my partner would say, it is a thing. I certainly believe in situational purity, that when the two options are equally evil, abstention is the most moral response. Such was the case for me in the Kerry-Bush election. (Some blame for the last four years of awful must be placed on the Democrats' shoulders for nominating an unpopular, stilted windbag in such a key election year. They seem to have learned their lesson, though, with the overwhelmingly qualified pool of candidates this year. Yummy.) However, when one option is so overwhelmingly evil and the other might actually facilitate some positive change, it is immoral to passively allow the overwhelming evil to overcome, which brings me to the point of this post.
If Mike Huckabee wins the Republican bid, as he very well may, any anarchist who does not do everything in his or her power to prevent his ascent will be guilty on account of apathy for the moral carnage guaranteed to follow. He is an evangelical preacher. The evangelicals hate women, GLBTQ anything, art, music, science, yoga, vegetarians, the environment, and everything that is good and wholesome and loving in the world. (Caveat: if people choose to believe in such things, I will fight furiously for their right to do so, even though they would not return the favor for me.) I just can't imagine an evangelical preacher being able to separate his socially dangerous beliefs from his oath to uphold the constitution, since separation of church and state has been interpreted in there and it seems like the concepts of secular government and evangelism are mutually exclusive. In fact, Huckabee has gained such round support on the basis of his intolerant, fundamentalist rhetoric. If you don't vote against him, the insane backwater folks who believe a woman's only place is silent in the home, GLBTQ individuals are morally infected and should be quarantined, expression should be quelled, and science is the devil's work will win, at a dear cost to liberty, beauty, and America's place in the world. If this ominous warning has not changed your mind about showing up at the polls, I hope this video and column by the fine folks at AlterNet might. Included are actual clips of what Mike Huckabee professes and why we should all be very afraid.
If Mike Huckabee wins the Republican bid, as he very well may, any anarchist who does not do everything in his or her power to prevent his ascent will be guilty on account of apathy for the moral carnage guaranteed to follow. He is an evangelical preacher. The evangelicals hate women, GLBTQ anything, art, music, science, yoga, vegetarians, the environment, and everything that is good and wholesome and loving in the world. (Caveat: if people choose to believe in such things, I will fight furiously for their right to do so, even though they would not return the favor for me.) I just can't imagine an evangelical preacher being able to separate his socially dangerous beliefs from his oath to uphold the constitution, since separation of church and state has been interpreted in there and it seems like the concepts of secular government and evangelism are mutually exclusive. In fact, Huckabee has gained such round support on the basis of his intolerant, fundamentalist rhetoric. If you don't vote against him, the insane backwater folks who believe a woman's only place is silent in the home, GLBTQ individuals are morally infected and should be quarantined, expression should be quelled, and science is the devil's work will win, at a dear cost to liberty, beauty, and America's place in the world. If this ominous warning has not changed your mind about showing up at the polls, I hope this video and column by the fine folks at AlterNet might. Included are actual clips of what Mike Huckabee professes and why we should all be very afraid.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Where did the first week of the New Year get off to? Well there was a little shimmy down Southern Indiana way for a quiet New Year's Eve with two of my very dearest friends. We checked on streaming video of the pyramids in Egypt (midnight Indiana time=misty pre-dawn in Egypt), polished off a bottle of Asti and played a strange version of charades just the three of us until the wee hours. January first was Bloomington's monthly Axis of Evil Industrial/Goth Dance Party, heralding in the Year of the Rat, a night that involved so much hotness and such epic fun, it should have been illegal. Nom. Seriously, if you hail from the Bloomington area, keep your ears open. AoE happens every month at Jake's Nightclub and it's certainly my favorite thing about that town. Well, actually it has to be a tie between AoE and the Runcible Spoon. ::sigh, nostalgia:
After a few days more of post-graduation bumming around, I collected my belongings and winged it back West, just in time for the Bay Area rainstorm of the decade. I think everyone's electricity has been restored as of late last night. Yeesh. Though I did find it amusing that Oakland's power was only out for a couple of hours while Marin's was out for 4 days. I suppose that's what happens when the wealthy make their domain absolutely inaccessible. Heh.
With that, I am finally home again, but in a new part of town that's taking a little time adjusting to. The streets are all wonky and traffic is particularly awful. You better believe I'll be relying heavily on public transit. I claim it's because mass transit is better for the environment, but really, riding in cars around here is simply terrifying. And I like the wooooooooosh of the BART train.
So, that's my incredibly long-winded excuse for being MIA for a week. The holidays are behind us, the new year has more than begun, in a very wet and tumultuous manner. With floods, the Gulf of Tonkin...errr...Persian Gulf incident, and the New Hampshire double-debates (did anyone else get that sickening, end-is-near, pit in the stomach while watching that freak show?) 2008 has certainly made its presence known. War with Iran? The first non-rich white guy presidency? Will cataclysmic mud slides slough California off into the ocean? Stay tuned for more!
Sidenote: My favorite column of the New Year has been this little gem by Julie Burchill for The Guardian. She is brilliant in every respect. I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year, I have resolved to take every word of that column to heart. I have already been putting it into practice and, quite frankly, it is delicious. All hail the return of the glamorous cunt!
After a few days more of post-graduation bumming around, I collected my belongings and winged it back West, just in time for the Bay Area rainstorm of the decade. I think everyone's electricity has been restored as of late last night. Yeesh. Though I did find it amusing that Oakland's power was only out for a couple of hours while Marin's was out for 4 days. I suppose that's what happens when the wealthy make their domain absolutely inaccessible. Heh.
With that, I am finally home again, but in a new part of town that's taking a little time adjusting to. The streets are all wonky and traffic is particularly awful. You better believe I'll be relying heavily on public transit. I claim it's because mass transit is better for the environment, but really, riding in cars around here is simply terrifying. And I like the wooooooooosh of the BART train.
So, that's my incredibly long-winded excuse for being MIA for a week. The holidays are behind us, the new year has more than begun, in a very wet and tumultuous manner. With floods, the Gulf of Tonkin...errr...Persian Gulf incident, and the New Hampshire double-debates (did anyone else get that sickening, end-is-near, pit in the stomach while watching that freak show?) 2008 has certainly made its presence known. War with Iran? The first non-rich white guy presidency? Will cataclysmic mud slides slough California off into the ocean? Stay tuned for more!
Sidenote: My favorite column of the New Year has been this little gem by Julie Burchill for The Guardian. She is brilliant in every respect. I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, but this year, I have resolved to take every word of that column to heart. I have already been putting it into practice and, quite frankly, it is delicious. All hail the return of the glamorous cunt!
New Year's,
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